The Love Yourself Whole Foods Fall Detox will help you boost your energy, rebalance your hormones, shed unwanted weight, and have you feeling fantastic in your own body again (no trade-in needed!). This fun and educational two week program focuses on real, whole foods and herbs that support the body’s natural detoxification processes. Learn how to truly love yourself so your self can love you back.

Ways to Get Healthy With Heather

Individual Services

DIY + Group Programs

Corporate Wellness
My life is totally different after working with Heather.
” I was a hardcore sugar JUNKIE and had a severe addiction to sugar. … I reached out to Heather for help. Her program was amazing! It helped me see the alternatives to eating sugary foods and made me realize how much better I could feel. The materials were easy to follow and prep, grocery shopping, and meal time were a breeze.”
– LeAnn C.

Welcome to Heather’s kitchen. Yummy desserts, quick breakfasts, snacks, soups and more designed by Heather, to satisfy you, your kids and your health goals.

Heather On TV
Serving up healthy recipes and tips on Milwaukee TV. Watch Heather on Fox 6 Real Milwaukee and WISN 12.

Detox Tips
Regular tips to guide you from fatigued, overwhelmed, frustrated, unfocused, unorganized, and out of shape to energized, focused, vivacious, enthusiastic, organized and healthy.

More About Heather
For over a decade I worked in corporate America laboring long hours and eating on the run to achieve stressful sales goals while juggling intense multitasking and frequent travel. My days were filled with restaurant and drive-thru dining, processed box foods, late night eating, too much caffeine, too much alcohol and too little rest. I figured all my intense exercise would keep me healthy. In my early 30’s, I was diagnosed with insulin resistance, prediabetes, hormone imbalances, high cholesterol, low iron, and a sluggish thyroid. Throw in a bit of candida and a couple food sensitivities and I was a mess! I reached an all time low of feeling fatigued, foggy and frustrated – like a hunk of junk! So this Midwest mama decided to take back my health one moment, one meal, and one day at a time. And I decided to have a bit of sassy fun doing it. Love that I can now share my journey and knowledge with thousands of other friends.