No Cream of Broccoli Fall Detox Soup

The cooler fall weather is moving in and it’s time to have those favorite soup recipes ready to go!

Growing up in the land of cheese and cream, often times, the cooler weather comfort soups call for cream.  But these soups can be loaded with calories which contribute to unwanted, extra winter weight.  Too much dairy can also wreak havoc on digestive health leaving you feeling bloated and gassy.

It’s simple to make creamy soups without the cream and extra calories.  Sharing one of my favorites today!



2 Tablespoons olive oil

1 small sweet onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

pinch of salt to taste

2 medium Yukon gold potatoes, peeled, cooked and chopped

1 small head of broccoli, chopped

2 cups coconut water

1 cup water

1 small bunch cilantro, chopped

**avocado – optional**

**Optional toppings – sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, scallions, nutritional yeast, herbamare, red pepper flakes, paprika, sea salt, or pepper.


Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the onions and a pinch of sea salt. Sauté until light brown – about 5-7 minutes. Add in garlic and cook another 2 minutes.   Add the chopped broccoli and coconut water. Put on lid and cook over medium heat until broccoli is softened.

Carefully, transfer hot ingredients to a blender. Add in the already cooked potatoes and the fresh cilantro. Blend well until thick soupy texture is achieved. Use the additional cup of water to thin the soup if needed.

You can add an avocado for even more creaminess and it blends in nicely with the green broccoli.

When serving, top with desired toppings such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, scallions, nutritional yeast, herbamare, red pepper flakes, paprika, sea salt, and pepper.


The onions are loaded with phytochemical and vitamin C to help boost immune.  The garlic aids digestion and in fighting those nasty fall colds and coughs.  Yukon Gold potatoes give this soup a beautiful creaminess and are also high in vitamin C.  Then there’s the beautiful broccoli!  Loaded with more vitamin C, folate, potassium and fiber.  The coconut water is low calorie, helps balance electrolytes and also has much needed magnesium which plays a role in hundreds of bodily reactions.  Finally, cilantro is an excellent detoxifying herb that supports immune and metabolism with both vitamins A and K.

Creamy Broccoli Soup – without the cream!




Knowing Your Genetics Can Open a NEW ERA of Personalized Medical Care!

Interpreting Your Genetics Summit

Your genes can unlock a new era of personalized medicine that will help you evolve into a healthier, happier life.

Whether you’ve taken a genetic test or plan to, these experts will teach you the best practices for using this information to alter your lifestyle, guide treatment and create better health!

I took a genetic test over 7 years ago and my only regret was not doing one much sooner! I’m planning to do another one to gain even more personalized DNA information.

More and more clients are coming to me to help with interpretation of their DNA test results.  So, I’m sharing this excellent and informative upcoming summit information with all of you!

Register for The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit: REGISTER HERE

Your host, James Maskell, has gathered world-renowned leaders from genetics, genomics and functional medicine. These pioneering experts are on the front lines interpreting data to create improved health in patients around the globe. It’s time to join the movement to know who you are, and use that information to improve your health!

Register for FREE now HERE

OR, you can own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace (plus, your purchase helps to create more of these valuable health talks!)


The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit will teach you about:
*** Your predisposition for diseases and how to minimize manifestation.
***Genetic health traits your children are likely to inherit.
***Whether your medications and supplements are right for you.
***How to unlock previously unsolved health challenges.
***And more!

The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit is online and free from August 21-28, 2017!

I’ll see you online at this educational summit!



Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP who helps busy moms get fresh, focused and energized. She is a detox specialist helping women to rebuild gut health, balance hormones and thrive. She enjoys empowering moms to take back their health and feed their families better with simple, everyday advice and suggestions that can be easily integrated into today’s modern family’s hectic lives. You can find her on Fox 6 Real MKE once a month, speaking and teaching classes in the community, cooking in her kitchen for family and friends, playing her piano to relax, or out running with the family dog.


Lemon Artichoke Summer Soup with Cauliflower

Lemon Artichoke Soup

This yummy summer soup uses cauliflower to make a delicious creamy soup without the cream!

• 2 TBSP ghee (healthy alternative to butter)
• ½ onion, chopped
• 2 celery stalks, chopped
• 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 quart chicken or vegetable broth
• 2 cans (or packages) artichoke hearts, chopped
• 1 head of cauliflower
• Juice of ½ – 1 lemon
• 1 tsp dried tarragon (optional)
• salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat ghee in large pot over medium heat.

2. Sauté chopped onion, celery and garlic until soft.

3. Add cauliflower and 1 cup of the chicken/veggie broth; cover to steam the cauliflower. Once cauliflower is tender, add remainder of the chicken/veggie broth. Add artichoke hearts and simmer 10 minutes.

4. Puree soup in pot with an immersion blender. (You can also pour the soup into a blender or a bowl and use a hand mixer to blend, then return soup to pot.)

5. Add lemon juice (and tarragon if desired) and continue heating until serving temperature.

6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Cauliflower is a delicious secret ingredient that can be used to make so many soups creamier, without the added calories of cream (or unwanted dairy).

artichoke at a farmer market





Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP who helps busy moms get fresh, focused and energized. She is a detox specialist helping women to rebuild gut health, balance hormones and thrive. She enjoys empowering moms to take back their health and feed their families better with simple, everyday advice and suggestions that can be easily integrated into today’s modern family’s hectic lives. You can find her on Fox 6 Real MKE once a month, speaking and teaching classes in the community, cooking in her kitchen for family and friends, playing her piano to relax, or out running with the family dog.

Summer Salad with Veggies & Chic Peas


Summer Salad

• 1 bunch broccoli rabe
• 1  15-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
• 1 cucumber, diced
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
• 1/2 cup red onion, diced
• 2 TBSP Dijon mustard
• 2 TBSP extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil
• 2 TBSP lemon juice
• 1/4 tsp salt
• 1/4 tsp black pepper

1. Wash and remove stems from the broccoli rabe.

2. Tear into bite-sized pieces, then blanch on top of stove until just tender, about one minute.

3. Drain and pat leaves dry.

4. Combine broccoli rabe, chickpeas, cucumbers, tomatoes, and red onion in a bowl.

5. In a small bowl, mix mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper until well combined.

6. Pour mixture over salad, toss until coated, and enjoy at room temperature. Can be stored in fridge or one week.

I challenge you to find ONE new veggie your family enjoys this summer!  Perhaps it will be broccoli rabe! 


Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP who helps busy moms get fresh, focused and energized. She is a detox specialist helping women to rebuild gut health, balance hormones and thrive. She enjoys empowering moms to take back their health and feed their families better with simple, everyday advice and suggestions that can be easily integrated into today’s modern family’s hectic lives. You can find her on Fox 6 Real MKE once a month, speaking and teaching classes in the community, cooking in her kitchen for family and friends, playing her piano to relax, or out running with the family dog.

MYACC at Gilda’s Club – Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

This weekend I had the opportunity to be a part of the Midwest Young Adult Cancer Conference (MYACC) that was hosted by Gilda’s Club in Madison.  When the program director, Kirsten Norslien, originally reached out to me I had a bit of hesitation because I knew it would involved stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing some bits and pieces about my journey with Molly.  While it’s been nearly one year since Molly’s passing, I truly did not know if I was ready to do something like this.

There were small signs along the way that I may the right decision – like a moment at Good Friday mass in Cayman when my mind wandered to the thought of finalizing my slides for the talk and the priest started his sermon by speaking about a young mother with cancer.  WOW!  I heard that message loud and clear.  And I listened closely to his words which inspired me and gave me ideas on how to pull the talk together.

Dan Duffy, of the co-founder of The Half Fund was the fabulous keynote speaker and I was so BLESSED to hear his words!  “In 2002, Dan was diagnosed with stage-three testicular cancer.  Through massive amounts of chemo and multiple surgeries, he was declared cancer free seven months later.”

He told an entertaining story of his journey (or battle depending on the day) and how he’s been inspired to change the way people look at cancer.  He talked about how every cancer patient should build an army.  WOW!  Molly built the best army anyone with cancer could every dream of – and I know she’s still looking out for all of her earthly army that remains.

Dan also spoke about embracing your crisis, using what you know, getting “naked”, being a bear and telling your story.

His words were exactly what I need to hear to know I was in the right place this weekend.

It was a huge step out of my comfort zone to share a bit of my journey with Molly. When I felt the tears creeping in, I took a deep breath and kept moving forward.  For some reason, I was much stronger at holding back the emotion while she was here.  I was better at holding back for her.  Now that she’s gone, I find it harder to hold back when the grief hits. Perhaps it’s finally knowing it’s ok to shed those tears.  And hearing Dan’s words…”Do you turn the tragedy into triumph? Do you seek out what used to terrify you, and make it work for you to help others?”

Yes, I did just that on Saturday.  And I grew a tremendous amount as an individual.

It was a great group of young cancer survivors that listened to “How to Start Your Day the Energizing, Anti-Cancer Way.”  We discussed a little anti cancer science, different theories and approaches to food (when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer), and we prepared several tasty breakfast recipes during our time together.

I left the conference feeling a great sense of relief, a renewed sense of focus and a desire to continue to inspire others to change their diets and lifestyles – even when faced with the greatest of challenges, like cancer.

Thanks for watching over me my friend and guiding me as to where I need to be.  Miss you so much!


Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP who helps busy moms get fresh, focused and energized. She is a detox specialist helping women to rebuild gut health, balance hormones and thrive. She enjoys empowering moms to take back their health and feed their families better with simple, everyday advice and suggestions that can be easily integrated into today’s modern family’s hectic lives. You can find her on Fox 6 Real MKE once a month, speaking and teaching classes in the community, cooking in her kitchen for family and friends, playing her piano to relax, or out running with the family dog.



2017 Dirty Dozen – Is Your Produce Loaded with Pesticides?

The 2017Dirty Dozen List


Every year, EWG (the Environmental Working Group) does a fantastic job of testing fresh fruits and vegetables for pesticide residue. Their 2017 report was recently released and it revealed that nearly 70% of non organic fruits/vegetables had evidence of at least one pesticide residue.  Often times, there was evidence of many pesticides!

And my beloved conventional greens, spinach specifically, turned out to contain alarming amounts of DDT, a neurotoxic insecticide that is actually banned in the United States. Yikes!

There’s a new #1 this year on the Dirty Dozen list – strawberries.  Spinach and apples remain in the top 5.

The Clean 15 offers hope that not everything is laden with pesticides.  The conventional (non-organic) fruits and vegetables that were tested in this grouping showed the least amount of contamination.

Here are the results for 2017

EWG’s Dirty Dozen

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Nectarines
  4. Apples
  5. Peaches
  6. Pears
  7. Cherries
  8. Grapes
  9. Celery
  10. Tomato
  11. Sweet Bell Peppers
  12. Potaotes

EWG’s Clean Fifteen

  1. Sweet Corn
  2. Avocados
  3. Pineapple
  4. Cabbage
  5. Onions
  6. Frozen sweet peas
  7. Papaya
  8. Asparagus
  9. Mango
  10. Eggplant
  11. Honeydew
  12. Kiwi
  13. Cantaloupe
  14. Cauliflower
  15. Grapefruit

Some sweet corn, pineapple and papaya sold in the United States may be genetically modified.  I personally ask if it’s non GMO or opt to purchase organic which, by definition, implies it cannot be genetically modified.

My family uses the EWG’s list to help manage our grocery budget.  We consume a ton of strawberries, spinach and greens in our home and I’ve been buying those organic whenever possible for a few years already.  On the other hand, I rarely buy cauliflower, asparagus or onions organic as those have been on the Clean 15 list for a few years now.

And if you can’t buy organic, don’t stress!  Don’t let this list deter you from eating fresh produce! It’s still better to wash these fruits and veggies really well and eat them as often as possible as opposed to grabbing a dinner of processed junk.

If you want to learn more about EWG and other products they test (like sunscreens and makeup), head to their website at



Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP who helps busy moms get fresh, focused and energized. She is a detox specialist helping to rebuild gut health, balance hormones and thrive. She enjoys empowering moms to take back their health and feed their families better with simple, everyday advice and suggestions that can be easily integrated into today’s modern family’s hectic lives. You can find her on Fox 6 Real MKE once a month, speaking and teaching classes in the community, cooking in her kitchen for family and friends, playing her piano to relax, or out running with the family dog.

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