by Heather Ferber | Jan 31, 2016 | Blending, Detoxification, Eating for Energy, General Health, Heart Health, Nutrition |
Going to the grocery store for milk can be an overwhelming experience nowadays.
We are bombarded with different types of milk, percentages, and brands. How can we be sure of what we are getting? Is it pasteurized? Is it organic? Are there additives? What type of milk is best for you and your family?
I am a BIG advocate of almond milk, and what’s really great is you can easily make it yourself! Almonds are really good for you and have tons of extra benefits that you may not be getting from other types of milk.
First off, almond milk is dairy-free so it is great for those with a dairy allergy, sensitivity, or who just plain don’t like the taste of regular cow’s milk. It also acts as a complete substitute for cow’s milk because you are getting just as much protein and calcium and far fewer preservatives and additives (that are often found in other milks).
Additional benefits include:
– Almond milk helps with weight management. One cup of almond milk contains 60 calories, compared to cow’s milk which contains 146 calories in whole milk, 122 calories for 2%, 102 calories for 1%, and 86 calories for skim milk. I’m not the biggest fan of calorie counting, but if you are a calorie counter, this will give you some insight.
– Due to the lack of saturated fat, sodium, and no cholesterol, almond milk is a heart healthy option.
– Strengthens bones with its calcium and vitamin D content.
– Contains 50% of your daily value of vitamin E to help keep your skin glowing and healthy.
– Has little effect on your blood sugar because almond milk is low in carbs.
– Aids digestion with fiber content.
– Lactose-free!
– It doesn’t require refrigeration so you can take it literally everywhere since it is still great at room temperature.
– It’s super easy to make yourself!
Here is an excellent, easy recipe to help you make your own almond milk!
Makes 4 cups
– 1 cup raw almonds, soaked for 8 hours
– 4 cups water
– Liquid sweetener to taste (optional)
Remove soaked almonds from the water and place in a blender. Add the 4 cups of fresh water and blend for 2 minutes or until the almonds are ground down. Pour the almond milk into a nut milk bag over a large bowl. Squeeze the bag to allow the milk to run through and leave the pulp inside the bag.Sweeten your milk if you desire and place it in a container and refrigerate. The milk should be good for 2-3 days before spoiling.
Busy moms, this is really easy to do!
But if you just can’t commit to prepping almond milk on your own, especially during detox times, then look for brands that are free of carrageenen, a controversial additive often found in almond and coconut milks. My preferred brand is SILK – it’s carrageenan free and made from non-GMO almonds. In SE WI, you can find it at Woodman’s, Whole Foods, Health Hut and sometimes even Pick N Save.
Great recipes for homemade nutmilks of different types in my Love Yourself Winter Detox – Kicking off March 3rd.
Learn the details here.

by Heather Ferber | Feb 13, 2013 | General Health, Heart Health |
Oh my! How I have missed all of you! The first 40 days of the new year have BLOWN by me. I apologize for my limited updates the past month. Please know I think about all of you every day! And what better time to say “I Love You” than during this month of love.
Moving into this new year, I gave myself permission to focus on me for a few weeks, especially after the craziness of the holidays season. I got back into my workout routine; I’ve been eating SO clean and trying out all sorts of new plant-based recipes; I painted my nails for the first time in about 6 months (LOL!); I’ve been completing projects that were sitting my desk for weeks; and I’ve been helping out at school with art, centers, and other adventures which I had not previously done this school year. Overall, I am happy, healthy and re-energized to take care of and help others.
What steps are YOU going to take to LOVE YOURSELF more this month?
- Maybe taking a few moments of quiet everyday to reflect and relax?
- Perhaps get a much needed massage?
- Maybe take a few special moments to tell your children how much you love them?
- Add a couple new, healthy foods into your diet?
- Get that gym membership and start your new workout routine?
- Maybe go to a quiet, romantic dinner with your significant other?
- Maybe say “No” to something you really do not want to do?
- Maybe say “Yes” to something you have been longing to try?
It’s important to determine what efforts and steps YOU are going to take to love yourself more. Think about them. Write them down.
Take a few moments this week to sit down, look in a handheld mirror, and repeat, “I love myself. I love myself. I love myself.” Let go of the negative thoughts and fill your mind with positive affirmations. When you love yourself more, you will be able to love others more. Valentine’s is the perfect time to say “I Love You” to yourself, your family, friends, and to those who have supported you in life this past year. Let them know how much they are loved and appreciated. Fill your heart with emotional, spiritual and physical love. Fill your family and friend’s hearts with good feelings and more love. And a Happy Healthy Valentine’s Day to each of you.
Love you all!

Loving myself allows me to love these little men so much more!
by Heather Ferber | Jul 22, 2012 | General Health, Heart Health, Inspiration, Ironman Training |
It’s been one week since I crossed the finish line and became an Ironman. Thankfully, I’ve been feeling mostly great with very little pain – just some muscle fatigue. My blistered feet have healed beautifully and I made it to the gym a few times this week for some recovery workouts.

This picture was taken about 20 steps from the finish line.
Being that this was only the 2nd triathlon I’ve ever completed, there were a few funny things that happened along the way that I thought I’d share to make you smile.
Apparently, I missed the IM Memo about the strippers on the course. After I exited Lake Michigan, and struggled for a 1/4 mile through the sand, I was pleasantly surprised to hear people calling out, “Wet suit strippers here. Do you want help?” Had absolutely no idea that there was such a thing as a wet suit stripper until that moment in time. I was overjoyed by this discovery because my full wetsuit is a beast to take off! So I ran down the lane toward the strippers. Came upon two young ladies who told me very emphatically, “Sit down.” I answered back, “On the ground?” They just looked at me like I was clueless – because I was! Looked around, and sure enough, everyone had their suits pulled down to their waist, then they plunked on the ground, and the strippers whipped the wet suit off. So I followed orders and thankfully, my wet suit was stripped without any struggle.
Then it was into T1 (transition 1) to prep for the bike. As a tri-newbie, I may have over prepared my transition space a bit. Had everything there but the kitchen sink. It was quite comical. Wish I had snapped a photo so I could have shared how my space looked compared to others. Had everything laid out and ready to go (or so I thought). Changed into my bike jersey, dried and wiped my feet (to get all the sand off), slathered on more sunscreen, packed my PB&J’s in my bike shirt pocket, took a few swigs of water, put on clean socks and my biking shoes, checked the’s no wonder my first transition was over 7 minutes. LOL! (The pros took about 2 mins in transition.) Hopped on my bike and off I went for 56 miles. About 53 miles into the ride, I realized I never put on my biking gloves…so much for having everything laid out and organized.
Somewhere around the 45 mile mark on the bike, a friendly gentleman decked out in his fancy bike outfit, expensive sunglasses, racing helmet, and $5000 tri bike pulled up next to me and said, “You look like you’re having too much fun. This is a race you know.” His comment was driven by the fact that I had just sat up to stretch my back and neck, was looking around soaking in the sights of the countryside, and absorbing as much hot sun as possible while riding my trusty road bike. So, I looked like a total tri-newbie at this point. I answered him back with a big smile, “I may only do this race once in my lifetime, so I’m trying to soak it all in.” He thought that was great and he proceeded to up his speed to 20+ miles an hour and left me in the dust.
One other new, smooth move that I managed on the course was pulling over for my water stops. I pulled over, unscrewed the tops on my lovely insulated water bottles, dropped in my electrolyte tabs, refilled with more water, screwed the caps back on….I even pulled over to switch the bottles between cages when one bottle emptied. For all you hard core bikers out there, hope you are having a great laugh. Don’t think I saw one other person pull over to do this the entire race. Lesson for future: figure out the water bottle situation on the bike.
Then it was time for T2. Stripped off my biking jersey while eating another quarter of a PB&J sandwich which was really hot and sticky from being stuck in the back of my bike jersey for 3.5 hours. But, by this point in the race, I did not care (at least it was not moldie). Apparently, I had a lot to do during T2 because it took me 8 minutes! Like 7 minutes was not long enough! No idea what I did for 8 minutes in T2. But, it was at this point that I had removed my bike helmet and sun glasses to change into my running shirt. Grabbed my running hat and then my sun glasses to put them back on. It was then that I noticed a big, gold, oval sticker on the front of my sun glasses…a big sticker that said, “UV polarized protection.” I had run out to REI the night before the race to get a better pair of sunglasses for race day (yes, I know, nothing like waiting until the last minute). I managed to remove the price tag prior to the race, but not the UV sticker. Rode with it on all 56 miles and never noticed! I think back to the guy who pulled up next to me on his bike, I’m sure he didn’t miss the big gold sticker on my glasses….and I’m sure he was laughing all the way into T2.
Finally, it was on to the run.
by Heather Ferber | May 6, 2012 | Cancer Prevention, General Health, Heart Health, Immune System, Inspiration, Nutrition, Peds Health, Weight Management |
Welcome to this wonderful spring in Wisconsin! I’m loving the balmy 50-60 degree days and all this rain is a real treat too. Well, for those of you who may not know me so well, that is a little taste of my sarcasm. After those record breaking warm temps in March, I thought I would be out tending to my garden quite early this year. Well, I was completely wrong. All I have to tend to right now is a bunch of mud. YUCK.
Presently, we have green beans, tomatoes, watermelon, pumpkins, kale, parsley and MORE growing in the entry way of out home. It’s quite humorous actually. We are picking 8-10 beans/day off our plants and eating them at breakfast – LOL! Every week my DH asks me when I am going to relocate my garden…and every week I answer back, “When the weather cooperates.” Truly hoping that next weekend is the winner (because I just bought about 20 more little plants to add to our garden thanks to The Greenhouse Girls).
So the plan this summer is to grow our own garden. We are planning a super-duper sturdy, barbed wire fence (just kidding re: the barbed wire) to keep the deer, rabbits, groundhogs, turkey, fox, and any other wildlife that wanders through, OUT of the garden. Going to give it our best effort to see if this works. And if not, there’s always the local farmer’s markets and CSA’s for back-up. (And I know we will still visit the market every weekend to find what we would love to taste and are not growing.)
Having your own garden can involve a lot of work, education, and planning. There are probably some of you out there that like the idea of growing your own healthy veggies, fruits, and herbs but don’t know where to start so I wanted to share a bit of info with you that I read in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today (May 6, 2012). The article was entitled, “Tending to the Gardener” and it appeared in the Entree Section on the front page.
To give a brief summary, the interest in local and organic grown food is rapidly growing so more and more people are branching out to become first time gardeners. Thankfully, there are actually specialists out there who will come to your home, analyze your garden site, and help you plan and install your project. There are also specialized garden based businesses cropping up all over the city. One such place is Growing Power, Milwaukee’s urban farm located at 5500 W. Silver Spring Drive, founded by Will Allen. Mr. Allen suggests “placing two feet of clean, chemical free compost over existing ground,” as opposed to digging down or tilling up your backyard for your personal garden. Growing Power has a fantastic composting program where the soil they create is ideal for gardening: proper pH, high microbial count, and an appropriate nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium ratio. They sell their soil in bags and by the cubic yard.
And the help can go beyond that! Another local company, Green Team, can come to your home and install custom raised beds. Plus they will deliver the compost too! Furthermore, if you’d like them to tend your beds, that may be arranged as well. For every 10 gardens installed through the Green Team partnership, Growing Power will donate a free garden to a family in need (I’m not exactly sure how this family is determined but will get more details on my upcoming visit to Growing Power.) Growing Power and The Green Team are undertaking the 20,000 Backyard Garden Initiative. Their goal is to inspire 20,000 new backyard gardens in the very near future (maybe I will be one of them).
My inspiration to plant my own garden this year was my family and my clients. All my boys LOVE being involved “in the process” no matter what type of project we are working on. They planted the seeds, LOVE to water, like to harvest the beans we have already, LOVE to water, enjoy cooking….and did I mention LOVE to water?! No doubt my garden will be one of the best watered in the area. Please call if you need watering assistance (Better Health By Heather). Now if I could only get them to weed!
by Heather Ferber | Mar 29, 2012 | Cancer Prevention, G.I. System, General Health, Heart Health, Immune System, Nutrition, Weight Management |
So, my previous post talked a bit about David Wolfe and his awesome presentation at IIN Mega Conf in LA last month. I clued you in to his first five superfoods that may change your life. Now, I am going to reveal the remainder of his Top 10 List. **Drumroll, please…***
6. AFA Super Blue-Green Algae – sounds like something out of a deep sea movie, right? Well, it is. Only unlike spirulina (see previous post), blue-green algae prefers fresh water as opposed to brackish, salty water. AFA blue-green algae are made primarily of soft proteins and polysaccharides that are easy to digest. It’s loaded with chlorophyll, trace minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, iron, and B vitamins. You can make tasty salad dressings, salsas, smoothies and soups using AFA super blue-green algae.
7. Marine Phytoplankton – is the basis of the Earth’s entire food chain. This is the best source of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids! It’s also a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and protein. The possible benefits of consuming this superfood include increased energy, improved immune function, decreased aches and pains, weight loss, improved memory, blood sugar stabilization, fewer cravings, improved concentration, BETTER SEX, calm and well being, better sleep (probably from the better sex), and the list goes on (but no one is going to read it since they already saw the “better sex” highlight).
8. Aloe Vera – perfect. Not another crazy sea item that no one has ever heard of. Most of us are familiar with the healing benefits of topical aloe vera. Imagine what it can do inside your body! Aloe vera is helpful for digestive problems, killing candida (yeast), and reducing inflammation. It also helps to keep white blood cells healthy by increasing the production of glutathione (an antioxidant that is critical to the production of while blood cells). Aloe vera is available to drink if many forms and flavors.
9. Hempseed – No, this is not a seed that you smoke. Hemp does happen to be classified as Cannibis sativa, the same species as marijuana, but it’s a species which contains hundreds of subspecies varieties. Hemp belongs to the same family of plants as mulberry. Hempseeds contain all the essential amino acids and fatty acids necessary to maintain life on this planet. It is also an excellent source of major trace minerals.
10. Coconuts – You knew I would get to at least one “superfood” that everyone could pronounce. There are so many benefits to eating coconuts and drinking coconut water: improved digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and amino acids; improved immune system function; improved utilization of blood sugar; improved absorption of calcium and magnesium ions; help in regulating hormone production; increased metabolism; support of healthy cholesterol formation in the liver; great rehydration; and SO MUCH MORE! Coconut water is my personal drink of choice for rehydration after my intense workouts.
And there you have it. The completion of David Wolfe’s Top 10 Superfoods List!
Disappointed that the list is complete? Well, Mr. Wolfe does have a few Superfoods that made his “Honorable Mention” list. Let me know if you would like to hear about what those are
And you know where to find me if you need help finding these Superfoods or figuring out how to incorporate one or two of them into your life.
by Heather Ferber | Mar 25, 2012 | Cancer Prevention, G.I. System, General Health, Heart Health, Immune System, Nutrition, Peds Health, Skin Care, Weight Management |
“I’m on the hunt I’m after you…” only in my situation, I am not pining over a lovely lady, I am ravenous for FOOD! Two weeks into my training program and I have noticed a HUGE increase in my appetite. At this rate, I will be 10 pounds heavier by July instead of a few pounds lighter!
Have been working to fuel my fiery appetite with healthy choices – more veggies, a bit of extra lean proteins, an extra snack of nuts or Greek yogurt here and there and some SUPERFOODS. I’ve made the move to incorporate these “Superfoods” into my diet based on one of the fantastic speakers I heard at IIN Mega Conference a couple weeks back.
David “Avacado” Wolfe is the “rockstar of the superfoods and longevity world.” David works and cooks with “America’s TOP CEOs, Global Ambassadors, Hollywood celebrities, busy professionals, and even the most powerful buying influence in the nation—Moms—all look to him for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition and chocolate!” David has dedicated 16 years of studying the inner workings of the human body and he “walks his talk” which was clearly evidenced by his natural beauty, vibrant health, and unparalleled energy on stage!
David’s philosophy is that I am a “gastronaut” (not a wolf) – experimenting with flavor and food in my body to gain health benefits. And there are superfoods that can assist in my journey to obtain optimal health. According to “Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future,” (a book by Wolfe published in 2009), David preaches about his top 10 Superfoods, and he went into detail about most of them during his IIN talk. So what are they? And what do they do? Well, keep reading for the first five…
1. Goji Berries – boost immune function, increase alkalinity & vitality, provide liver protection, improved eye sight & blood quality, deliver anti-aging compounds, and more!
2. Cacao (raw chocolate) – YES! CHOCOLATE IS ON THE LIST! contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world! Helps protect us from age-related health conditions and illnesses and protects our DNA from free radical damage. Contains many great things including magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, copper, vitamin C, tryptophan, serotonin, and more! WARNING: EATING CACAO MAY CAUSE YOU TO HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!!! (according to Mr. Wolfe).
3. Maca – a powerful adaptogen which can help the body stabilize its hormonal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac – A NATURAL VIAGRA!
4. Bee products (honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly) – another great antioxidant which has also been shown to increase strength, endurance, and energy. However, if you have a blood sugar problem, or cancer, it may be a good idea to stay away from honey.
5. Spirulina – are freshwater, microscopic algae that have been living on the planet since the appearance of life on Earth. They are green-blue in color (the green from chlorophyll and the blue from phycocyanin). The benefits of spirulina include: it’s a complete protein source, rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E and K; and it’s a great source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an anti-inflammatory essential fatty acid that is needed to build and maintain a healthy nervous system.
I can honestly say, I have been consuming all 5 of these Superfoods for the past few weeks (and some of them over the past few years); however, I don’t do a lot of honey because of my sugar issue. Spirulina and maca are amazing! My hubby is addicted to cacao. My boys like Goji berries in their homemade granola bars. And who does not like honey?!
So while I try to tame the wolf in me, I am using “the Wolfe’s” suggestions to improve the nutrient quality in my life, especially during training time. If you are interested in learning more about these superfoods, I strongly recommend reading David Wolfe’s book. I am here too, if you want help in regards to incorporating these amazing additions into your daily life.
Stay tuned for the second five superfoods later this week! A few more things from the ocean as well as an ancient healer…