by Heather Ferber | Mar 11, 2017 | Busy Mom Kitchen Tips, Cancer Prevention, Detoxification, Eating for Energy, G.I. System, General Health, Immune System, Juicing |

Every year, EWG (the Environmental Working Group) does a fantastic job of testing fresh fruits and vegetables for pesticide residue. Their 2017 report was recently released and it revealed that nearly 70% of non organic fruits/vegetables had evidence of at least one pesticide residue. Often times, there was evidence of many pesticides!
And my beloved conventional greens, spinach specifically, turned out to contain alarming amounts of DDT, a neurotoxic insecticide that is actually banned in the United States. Yikes!
There’s a new #1 this year on the Dirty Dozen list – strawberries. Spinach and apples remain in the top 5.
The Clean 15 offers hope that not everything is laden with pesticides. The conventional (non-organic) fruits and vegetables that were tested in this grouping showed the least amount of contamination.
Here are the results for 2017
EWG’s Dirty Dozen
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Nectarines
- Apples
- Peaches
- Pears
- Cherries
- Grapes
- Celery
- Tomato
- Sweet Bell Peppers
- Potaotes
EWG’s Clean Fifteen
- Sweet Corn
- Avocados
- Pineapple
- Cabbage
- Onions
- Frozen sweet peas
- Papaya
- Asparagus
- Mango
- Eggplant
- Honeydew
- Kiwi
- Cantaloupe
- Cauliflower
- Grapefruit
Some sweet corn, pineapple and papaya sold in the United States may be genetically modified. I personally ask if it’s non GMO or opt to purchase organic which, by definition, implies it cannot be genetically modified.
My family uses the EWG’s list to help manage our grocery budget. We consume a ton of strawberries, spinach and greens in our home and I’ve been buying those organic whenever possible for a few years already. On the other hand, I rarely buy cauliflower, asparagus or onions organic as those have been on the Clean 15 list for a few years now.
And if you can’t buy organic, don’t stress! Don’t let this list deter you from eating fresh produce! It’s still better to wash these fruits and veggies really well and eat them as often as possible as opposed to grabbing a dinner of processed junk.
If you want to learn more about EWG and other products they test (like sunscreens and makeup), head to their website at

Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP who helps busy moms get fresh, focused and energized. She is a detox specialist helping to rebuild gut health, balance hormones and thrive. She enjoys empowering moms to take back their health and feed their families better with simple, everyday advice and suggestions that can be easily integrated into today’s modern family’s hectic lives. You can find her on Fox 6 Real MKE once a month, speaking and teaching classes in the community, cooking in her kitchen for family and friends, playing her piano to relax, or out running with the family dog.
by Heather Ferber | Feb 7, 2017 | Busy Mom Kitchen Tips, Cancer Prevention, Detoxification, Eating for Energy, G.I. System, General Health, Immune System, Juicing, Nutrition, Peds Health, Weight Management |
If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know that smoothies play an important role in my daily life. They were perfect for me to begin my journey to taking back my health 15 years ago, and they still play a key role in my home life and raising three healthy boys.
Over the past couple years, I’ve also come to appreciate the importance of juicing as it has offered benefits for my clients with IBS, autoimmune and other absorption challenges. It’s also offered significant benefits to the hundreds of women (and some men) who have completed the Love Yourself seasonal detoxes.
Part of the reason I don’t juice regularly is that I have a terrible juicer and I have not invested the hundreds (or thousands) of dollars to get a spectacular one. I blend nearly everyday because I have a rockstar blender (two of them actually! A Vitamix and a Blendtec – which I won!).
Last summer my boys and I were exploring our local farmer’s market and we stumbled upon a juice booth by GetJuiced4Life. My boys begged to try their red and green juice so we bought a couple bottles of each color. They were a HUGE HIT!
Fast forward a few months and I’m preparing for my big Love Yourself detox group and I wanted to do something special for them – custom juices! So I reached out to Devon Brent at GetJuiced4Life and found an amazing, driven young man who is just as passionate as I am about using food to take back your health! His personal journey in dealing with health challenges and 25+ hospitalizations is one of frustration, education and inspiration.
Turns out he was 110% onboard to create custom juices for my detoxers! What a blessing! His dedication, creativity and work ethic partnered with his DELICIOUS pressed juices were the perfect bonus to add into my group program. I love that we share a passion for educating our community about the importance of nutrition and positive lifestyle choices.
GetJuiced4Life prepares organic, raw, fresh, cold pressed juices in small batches that are bottled in a BPA free container. There is over TWO POUNDS of fresh, local veggies and fruits in each bottle of juice. WOWZA! Presently, there are two flavors available at Good Harvest Market in Waukesha – the red juice called “Vitalize” and the green juice called “Fortitude.” Both are DELICIOUS and get the seal of approval from my kiddos.

For the Love Yourself Winter Detoxers, Devon and I teamed up to make three custom blends (one green, one red, and one orange plus a ginger gut health shot booster). I hope to continue some custom order throughout the year. If you’d like to get in on one of these orders, and are in the Brookfield area, just reach out to me at
And the Love Yourself Winter Detox has been such a HUGE SUCCESS this year that a second round will be kicking off on Thursday, March 16th – just in time to get refreshed, reenergized and ready for spring break. Check back in early March for open sign-ups!

by Heather Ferber | Nov 21, 2016 | Detoxification, Eating for Energy, General Health, Immune System, Juicing, Nutrition |
The holiday season can get a bit crazy with too many treats, fancy cocktails, and dining out on the run. Getting healthy or staying healthy for the holidays can feel like a challenge.
Whether you’re thinking about jumping on the healthy living train for the holidays (good for you!), or you have been leading a healthy lifestyle for years, a juice cleanse is an easy way to get your body back on track and into the craving more healthy mode.
So enjoy the turkey and fixings this week and then jump back into healthy!
A mini 24-hour juice cleanse is a great starting point, and will jumpstart your wellness, push out toxins and diseased cells, and nourish good cells that are starved of nutrients. A juice cleanse also lets your digestive system, one of the most important parts of your body, take a much-needed break and regenerate (which we all desperately need during this time of year!).
Of course, it may sound brutal drinking only fruits and veggies for an entire day and forgoing the food, but the magnificent benefits outweigh any discomfort you may experience. It’s natural to experience side effects such as bad breath and body odor, stomach cramps, nausea, weakness, exhaustion and foul-smelling stools. And if these side effects make you weary of fasting, just think of all the toxins that are wreaking havoc on your body. Those toxins are stuck in your cells unless you cleanse. If this isn’t your first rodeo, your side effects should not be as noticeable.
Before starting this cleanse, be sure to purchase a juicer. Or source out a local juice manufacture who may be able to help you out. I have a Breville juicer that I use for mini-cleanses like this. Sometimes I place a custom, very specific juice order at Whole Foods or a local juice bar. You can juice all recipes in the morning and store in the fridge, or you can make a juice at each meal. I recommend glass Mason jars to store juice.
Be sure to also have lots of water available as well as herbal tea to drink throughout the day. Be prepared to limit physical exertion.
Here is your 24-hour juice cleanse plan:
-Drink water with lemon or herbal tea
-Drink juice #1
Juice #1 – Energy Juice
Serves 1-2
3 cucumbers
1 cup sprouts
1 bunch parsley
1 lemon
1-inch fresh ginger
-Drink water with lemon or herbal tea
-Drink juice #2
Juice #2 – Cell Regeneration Juice
Serves 1-2
3 kale leaves
1 cucumber
1 small handful of watercress
1 small handful of dandelion greens
5 celery stalks
1 teaspooon camu camu (add to juice after you have juiced ingredients)
1 lemon
-Drink water with lemon or herbal tea
-Drink juice #3
Juice #3 – Digestion Juice
Serves 1-2
4 celery stalks
3 kale leaves
1 small fennel bulb, trimmed
2 lemons
2 ounces aloe vera juice (add after you have juiced the ingredients)
-Drink water with lemon or herbal tea
-Drink juice #4
Juice #4 – Goodness Juice
Serves 1-2
1 cup spinach
3 kale leaves
1 green apple
1 cucumber
½ cup mint leaves
1 lemon
-Drink water with lemon or herbal tea
-Drink juice #5
Juice #5: Immune Boost
Serves 1
2 carrots
1 small beet
4 celery stalks
½-inch piece of fresh ginger root
Handful of parsley
1 lemon
-Drink water with lemon or herbal tea
-Drink juice #6
Juice #6 – Cool Refresher
Serves 1
6 leaves kale
5 romaine lettuce leaves
1 cucumber
1-inch piece of ginger
2 lemons

Juice it up for energy this holiday season! Feel the great vibes.
by Heather Ferber | Apr 15, 2015 | General Health, Immune System, Juicing, Nutrition, Weight Management |
Think about how nice it feels to drive your car home after getting a tune up/clean up. The oil is squeaky clean, the fluids have been topped off, windshield wipers have been changed, tire pressure is at that perfect level, and it’s been washed inside and out. Well, just like our cars need a tune up/clean up, a seasonal cleanse allows our bodies to become shiny and new again too. It allows our body to reboot our metabolism, boost our immunity, and lost weight effortlessly. It can clear the cobwebs from our minds and give our skin a chance to glow.
Have you ever tried a cleanse or detox? Are you afraid it will be too hard or that maybe you aren’t worth it? I know for a fact that you ARE worth it, because I know deep down you are just like me. You want to feel energetic, vibrant, and full of joy. You want to feel happy and smile down upon your flat belly. Do you remember what that feels like? You are soooooo worth it. You are enough! AND, I will be with you every step of the way supporting you, answering your questions, and cheering you on, because I know you can do this.
Maybe a little fear comes up for you at the thought of not being able to eat your favorite foods.
Are you concerned about giving up your daily coffee, chocolate, or evening cocktails perhaps?
Are you afraid I’m going to make you drink juice and smoothies all day?
Maybe you think that you will feel hungry or deprived. No worries, my friend, because I’ve created this SPRING CLEANSE & METABOLIC RESET so you can pick which level of detox adventure you want to go on. Having all these feelings are natural, but you know what is not natural? Feeling like we have to constantly count calories, not eat any fat, and go around in circles from one diet to the next. The thought of doing that for the rest of my life sounds just plain exhausting!
There is no reason to be scared because you will NOT feel deprived. We are going to keep it simple and eat wholesome, nourishing foods. The only thing you have to lose is some unwanted poundage, dark circles and puffiness under your eyes, and that feeling of lethargy that has been dragging you down. You will discover your independent blueprint for the foods that work for your unique body.
I have everything you will need: a step-by-step guide, the recipes, a shopping list and meal planner, as well as a transition recipe packet & food diary. I will be with you every step of the way with daily email support and to cheer you on.
My Spring Cleanse & Metabolic Reset is now available!
Check out all the details here. Register now and change your life forever!

by Heather Ferber | Mar 30, 2015 | Blending, G.I. System, General Health, Immune System, Juicing, Nutrition, Sugar, Weight Management |
Time for spring cleaning, but while you clean your house, you should also clean your body with a spring cleanse. Spring is a time of renewal and growth. It’s time for your body to energize itself for the busy months to come. It’s the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and re-spark your rejuvenation after those long winter months.
There’s no hiding that we pack on a few pounds physically and emotionally from the heaviness of winter. If we don’t change our habits and cleanse our bodies, we leave ourselves open to colds and flu, which is one way the body works to cleanse itself. People generally become more sedentary in winter and suffer from an increase in general aches and pains – which can also be helped with a good spring cleanse.
Many cultures have historically detoxed/fasted/cleansed during the spring months while using a variety of different methods. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a spring cleanse, but it is something that everyone can benefit from. You need to choose a program that is the best fit for YOU and your health. Your body may tell you what kind of cleanse it needs and for how long. You just need to listen to what your body is telling you.
Spring is the time nature produces many vegetables and fruits that are perfect for a natural, whole foods detox. The spring “menu” includes berries, sprouts, greens, and bitter roots that help improve immunity and aid in toxin elimination. Your body should crave different foods to prepare for and get in sync with the new season. We need to listen to what our bodies desire and look at what is offered in nature to reach optimal health and wellness.
There are so many benefits to cleansing your body! A spring cleanse will help get rid of the toxic waste that has accumulated in your organs and cells – preventing your cells from doing their jobs properly and optimally. As the snow melts, a clean eating cleanse can help you shed unwanted winter weight. Other benefits may include healthier skin, improved digestive system, INCREASED ENERGY, improved immune system, clearer thinking, improved movement and flexibility, and the general feeling of rejuvenation and motivation that will leave you feeling lighter.
Foods you should focus on during a spring cleanse include lemons, spinach, radishes, pineapple, artichokes, nettles, green tea, green peas, coriander, celery, sesame seeds, turmeric, cabbage, dandelion root, citrus fruits, berries, asparagus, and garlic. It’s best if they are in their organic raw natural form. Other ways to enhance a spring cleanse experience is by taking probiotics, antioxidants, massage therapy, saunas, epsom salt baths and exercise (yes, you can sweat out those toxins!).
During a seasonal cleanse, try to:
- Hydrate! Drink lots of water especially if you are more active.
- Practice clean eating
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugar
- Exercise
- Meditate
If you have never cleansed before, you may need support from a health coach like myself. It’s very important to plan your cleanse to benefit YOU. The pre-planning, actual cleanse days and post-cleanse (aka transition time) are all important pieces of your cleansing experience. I can walk you through a whole foods based program while inspiring you to continue your healthier lifestyle after your cleanse experience.
Spring Cleanse & Metabolic Reset – available April 13th!

Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and detox specialist helping busy moms to get fresh, focused and energized so they can enjoy better health, balanced hormones, healthier kids and more calm in the kitchen. She has appeared on WISN Channel 12’s morning news to share her kitchen tips, tricks and recipes. Like her on Facebook or visit her online home at
by Heather Ferber | Sep 6, 2012 | Blending, G.I. System, General Health, Juicing, Weight Management |
My last blog post Juice, Juice Baby referenced a couple of my friends who were starting out the first few days of the Reboot Cleanse. Well, happy to report that J & L are still on track to make it through the entire 15 day program. WOOT! WOOT! Way to go you two. J is down more than 15 pounds and L is down 5 too (although she does not have any to lose!)
A few of my readers, who know I own a beloved Vitamix, commented, “What about blending?” So I wanted to take a few moments to share a couple thoughts about blending as well and how it differs from juicing. (By no means is this a comprehensive analysis of both!) Blending and juicing are very beneficial in different ways. Here is an ultra quick comparison of the two:
Juicing is a process which extracts nutrients and water from produce and discards all the “skins” and pulp, which contain the majority of the fiber. Without a lot of fiber, your digestive system doesn’t have to work as hard to break down the food and absorb the nutrients. The nutrients can be easily assimilated directly into your bloodstream in a short period of time. This is especially helpful if you have a sensitive digestive system or illness that inhibits your body from processing fiber. Fiber helps slow down the digestive process which results in a steady release of nutrients into the blood stream. When you remove the fiber from fruits and veggies, the liquid juice is absorbed into your blood stream all at once causing a spike in blood sugar. Unstable blood sugar levels may lead to fatigue and energy loss, mood swings, shakiness, memory problems and more. Fiber is what helps to fill us up – without the fiber in the juice, you will be hungry again quickly.
Blending is the process of chopping up the entire fruit or vegetable, skin and all, to produce a smooth consistency. Fiber is retained in a blended mixture. This helps create a slow, even release of nutrients into the blood stream, avoiding spikes in blood sugar. The fiber in blended smoothies also helps you feel full longer. By including the fiber in your smoothie, the volume will increase. You can pack more servings of fruits and veggies into a single serving of juice than you can into a smoothie.
Personally, I favor blending over juicing because of my past issues with insulin resistance. I follow a very low glycemic diet and juicing tends to rapidly boost my blood sugars and leave me feeling a bit shaky a couple hours later. Blending, on the other hand, gives me the fiber I need to stabilize my blood sugars. However, juicing is a wonderful treat for me. I tend to juice only low glycemic fruits and veggies and when I drink the juice I may have a high fiber/protein combo along with the juice. When I blend, I don’t need to worry about this. For those of you following a low glycemic diet, blending may be the way to go. (My Vitamix is also capable of making nut butters, soups, and flour…something my juicer cannot do.)
If, on the other hand, you have major GI sensitivities and issues, juicing may be of more benefit for you.
We are all individuals living with our own bio-individuality. Juicing and blending both offer pros and cons. Learn to know your body so you can make informed choices regarding which may be a better fit for you. (Of course you can contact me if you need help with this.) Choose the one that is right for you and continue enjoying all those great veggies and fruits!