An Apple A Day – Keeps the Doctor Away & Tastes Delicious

October 21st marks National Apple Day – a celebration of all things apples and orchards.  It was a pleasure to stop into the Fox 6 Real MKE Studios this morning to share my passion for apples.

SO many different varieties and tastes, in addition to many health benefits, and they can be easily incorporated into your fall menu planning.

According to the University of Illinois, there are over 7500 varieties of apples grown worldwide with 2500 of those varieties being grown in the United States and 100 of those varieties are commercially available. Apples can be grown in all 50 states, but only 36 of them grow them commercially and most are handpicked during the fall months.

They were a favorite food of the ancient Greek and Romans. And for good reason! They come in many colorful shades of red, green and yellow with a wide variety of tastes and flavors.

Favorite apple varieties at my house include:
• Gala – distinctive yellow-orange skin with red striping and crisp, sweet taste that goes great in salads
• Grannie Smith – green apples are lower in sugar which is great for weight loss and breaking sugar habits
• Honeycrisp – creamy white flesh with pleasant sweet tart flavor due to balance of sugar and acid
• SweeTango – hybrid of the Honeycrisp developed by the University of MN with a bit more tart flavor but very juicy
• Red Delicious – the most popular brand grown in the US

Since the Environmental Working Group usually reports apples in the top five of their Dirty Dozen List (produce which is most contaminated with pesticides), I do aim to buy organic whenever possible, especially since we eat so many of them at my house.

Apples contain antioxidants, phytochemicals and loads of fiber along with B vitamins and vitamin C. These powerful antioxidants have been linked to a reduction in risk for cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Interestingly, the phytochemicals vary greatly between the different varieties of apples and they also change during the ripening and storage phases.

Once these delicious fall beauties are on your counter or in your fridge (ideal long term storage is at 35 degrees – just about freezing) what can you do with them?

How to incorporate apples into your daily diet:
• Slice and top with your favorite nut butter
• Throw one into your morning smoothie
• Dried apple chips
• Apple snack/fruit bars (Like That’s It Bars and BARE Chips)
• Delicious desserts like the one outlined below

Baked Apple with Coconut Milk
Serves 2
2 medium apples
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ to ½ cup coconut milk
¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Slice the apples in half and remove the core and seeds. Place the apples face up on a baking tray. Drizzle with coconut oil and cinnamon. Bake about 20-25 minutes until soft. Remove from the oven and serve with warm coconut milk and top with pumpkin seeds.

Best Foods to Eat During the Winter for Detox (Seasonal Foods)

Best Foods to Eat During the Winter for Detox (Seasonal Foods)

Winter is brutal on your body. I know it’s definitely brutal on mine! I’m tired of the cold temps, gray days and mud all over.  So I’ve learned to take extra special care of my body during this season of bugs, illness, close quarters, and crazy commitments.  My plan includes eating seasonal foods that support and promote detoxification. The foods with best nutrient density will be those seasonal foods that are naturally grown during this time of year (does anything grow in Wisconsin during the winter?!), and your body needs these nutritional heavyweights to promote the process of detoxification.

Sharing some of my favorite winter foods that aid in the detoxification process. They are seasonal, delicious and nutritious, and provide the antioxidants necessary to guard against free radicals and toxins. (And I’ve been loading up on them this week to beat the scratchy throat I’ve been experiencing…thankfully it’s only me and not the hubby and kids who are having this challenge.)

Collard Greens

High in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including magnesium and manganese. They are best steamed or sautéed with some garlic and crushed red pepper.


The sulfur compounds in garlic are responsible for its pungent odor and taste. They also pack a wide variety of health benefits, including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.


High in manganese, magnesium and vitamin E. They are versatile and tasty; throw them in a vegetable dish, a casserole, your cereal, or a salad.


Cauliflower is beneficial for its anti-cancer properties. It also contains glucosinolates that help activate enzyme detoxification. Cauliflower has sulfur-containing nutrients and antioxidants that help boost the body’s capacity for detoxification.

Pepper, Cumin, Turmeric, Fennel, and Ginger

These spices are essential in the detoxification process. They exhibit immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties and, when you pair them with detox-enhancing foods, they can get your body’s detox engine revving.


Lentils provide the insoluble and soluble fibers that are perfect for stabilizing blood sugar. They also provide support to the intestines, especially during the detoxification process.


Yes, it’s on my list all year long. LOL! This is one of the truest superfoods with a ton of detox-supporting nutrients. It has anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties and may even help improve your cardiovascular health.


Beets are an essential source of phytonutrients known as betalains. They provide detoxification support and anti-inflammatory benefits.  Find a way to like them!  While it’s taken me years, they are now a regular in my diet (have discovered I love them in juices with lots of extra lime).


Don’t over-peel these beauties because you might be tossing out their important flavonoids, which act as phytonutrient powerhouses. The flavonoids are actually concentrated right in the outer layer of the flesh. Moreover, these are high in manganese; vitamins C, B9 and B6; and they are an essential source of potassium.  I LOVE ONIONS!  And I’m thankful I have at least one kid that does too.

Limes and Lemons

Limes and lemons are loaded with vitamin C. These citrus fruits also contain flavonoid compounds that provide anti-cancer and anti-oxidant benefits.  Add them to your water all winter long.



Cabbage’s antioxidant properties make it a must to eat for winter detox. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer food that is also a great source of vitamins A and C. The polyphenol content of cabbage is different and will depend on the varieties that you eat. That’s why you need to mix green, red and Savoy varieties.

These seasonal foods are easy to find, easy to prepare, and easy to help  you detox. They are delicious by themselves or combine many of them in a soup. Take your winter comfort food to the next level with some detoxifying powerhouses!

My last winter detox group for this season kicks off THURSDAY March 1st, 2018.  Who will be joining us?  You can view the details and signup on my website.

Healthy-ish Dark Chocolate Holiday Bark

Healthy-ish Dark Chocolate Holiday Bark

Sharing a super simple, favorite Christmas treat at our house!  

Here I am making this recipe at Fox 6 Real MKE studios.

Healthy-ish Dark Chocolate Holiday Bark


  • 9 ounces dark chocolate (70% cacoa or greater)  (like theo, tabal, alter eco)
  • 1 cup mixed nuts (your favorite raw/roasted combinations)
  • ¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • ¼ cup crushed candy cane (I like Wholesome Organic candy canes)
  • ¼ cup freeze dried crushed raspberries (I get from Trader Joe’s)
  • ¼ cup goji berries
  • sea salt



  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a medium pan, over very, very low heat on the stove, melt the chocolate. Continually stir so the chocolate does not burn
  3. Scatter nuts, coconut flakes, crushed candy cane, crush raspberries and goji berries on the baking sheet.  (Save just a bit of each to sprinkle on top of bark once chocolate is laid in the pan.)
  4. Transfer the melted chocolate to the prepared baking sheet and spread into thin layer.
  5. Quickly sprinkle a few pieces of nuts, coconut, candy cane, raspberry and goji berry on top.
  6. Sprinkle a hint of sea salt on top as well.
  7. Allow chocolate to cool and harden completely before breaking into small pieces.

** If the chocolate is more on the bitter side, you can always add a teaspoon or two of honey to sweeten it up. Other fun ingredients you can experiment with include pomegranates, sunflower, chia and flax seeds or dried fruit pieces of any flavor. Get creative and fun with the endless combinations!

7 Simple Steps to Save Your Sanity & Stay Healthy this Holiday Season

Gingerbread Cookie RoundedIt’s the most wonderful time of the year…the last 6 weeks of 2015.

Every year I remind myself to take a deep breath, focus on what truly matters, and not sweat the small stuff for the November and December.  Time to stay healthy and enjoy these next few weeks!

This year I decided to dive a bit deeper and spell out exactly how I am going to save my sanity and stay healthy this holiday season.

When I mentioned this to one of the moms at the gym, she was quite interested in what I was going to focus on so I’ve decided to share with all of you…

My 7 Simple Steps to Save your Sanity & Stay Healthy this Holiday Season

  1. Practice gracious and graceful “no’s” – We can’t be everything to everyone.  And that’s ok.  ‘Tis the season to focus on family and close friends not trying to please the world as your mental health truly matters. Think about the commitment/task/request you are entertaining – does it make your heart sing?  If not, graciously and gracefully decline and perhaps offer up a future possibility if that is in your heart.  Practicing gracious and graceful no’s, in the mirror, has definitely helped me out.
  2.  Smoothie it up!  – Blend it up girlfriend!  What better way to pack a TON of nutrition into your meal in a very short amount of time at a very low cost.  Smoothies aren’t just for breakfast anymore – you can make them for lunch, dinner or snacks during the holiday season to save your sanity in the kitchen.  In fact, this time of year, it’s important to pack a lot of immune boosting foods into the blending container including berries of all kinds, carrots, kiwi, spinach and sweet potatoes.
  3. Plan Simple Meals – Keep it simple sister. Now is not the time to bust out your 15 cookbooks looking for new, complicated culinary creations. Stick to family favorites and basics.  Maybe think about upgrading your ingredients to make some of those meals healthier this time of year as opposed to trying completely new recipes. For example, if you are a taco family, try making your tacos with organic chicken or turkey, non-GMO corn shells or even lettuce wraps and lots of fresh veggies and avocado.  YUM!  Or, if your family enjoys spaghetti night, try organic chicken and spinach meatballs with Muir Glen spaghetti sauce and quinoa/black bean/zucchini noodles. If meal planning is tough for you, think about hiring a health coach as a Christmas gift to yourself or purchasing meal plans from a website like “Plan To Eat.”
  4. Work it Out – While I just finished an intense 7 week workout challenge where I spent a few too many hours at the gym, I will still be back 5 days/week during the crazy holidays. Get yourself moving. Even if it’s only 20 minutes/day. It will boost those endorphins and make you think twice about eating that sweet treat…which brings me to point #5.
  5. Limit the Sweet Treats – All that sugar is just not good for you. Not only does it contribute to unwanted pounds, it can challenge your immune system and who wants to be sick during the holidays?!  Not me.  Make powerful, calculated choices in terms of the sweet treats you choose. Or learn to make some healthier sweet treats. (Speaking of which – that’s a new class I’m teaching!  Message me for details if you’d like to host a class on December 2nd or 7th or in the new year.  I make all the treats!  You get to sit back, relax and eat…and not feel so guilty about these treats.)
  6. Stay Hydrated – Bring that fancy water bottle with you where ever you go.  And when it’s not with you, like at the holiday office party, sip some sparkling water in between your cocktails.  Or better yet, limit yourself to one of your favorite alcoholic beverages and spend the rest of the evening sipping your sparkling water with lime through a little black straw – no one will notice it’s not alcoholic 🙂 And the sparkling water, through the little black straw, will keep you looking svelte in your little black dress. *smooch*
  7. Surround Yourself with Those Who Lift You Up – You know who your family and friends are that build you up and make you feel great and those that drag you down. Spend extra special time with those who add value and love to your life.  See tip #1 on how to manage other circumstances.

And those are the things I’m really going to focus on the remaining 6 weeks of 2015.

Would love to hear from you with your favorite tips and ideas that help you stay healthy during the holidays.  

Please take a moment to share!  You will inspire me to stay on track. XO

Smoothies in a row rounded

My Favorite Summer Reads this Year


Summer is flying by. It has been a whirlwind of baseball and birthdays, weddings and waterparks, pool time and parties, tennis and time with family and friends.

This is my favorite time of year as I LOVE the hot, humid, steamy, sunny weather. Hoping we still have a few more weeks of it.

With three young boys to parent and “entertain,” summer life can get a bit crazy and I know many of you can relate! One activity we enjoy, when we need some down time, is family reading. We all find our current books, grab a seat on the couch either inside or out, and take 20-30 minutes to unwind and escape into our fantasy worlds.

Boys are all about Harry Potter and Magic Treehouse this summer with a few bits of presidential and war history, treasure hunting, and frog armies thrown into the mix.

A few of you have asked me to share what I’m reading this summer – thanks for that great idea!

So, here’s a list of health and wellness related reading I’ve enjoyed over the past couple months with a brief synopsis of each. Perhaps you will still find a few moments this summer to enjoy a good book by the pool, on the beach, or in the backyard.

52 New Foods Challenge by Jennifer Tyler Lee

This is a collection of 150 recipes worked into a family adventure and cooking challenge for each week of the year. A fun book to encourage kids to eat healthier foods without creating power struggles. Some of our favorite recipes so far include the savory and spiced pumpkin seeds, pumpkin bread, whole wheat pizza dough, mini pear-apple crisps, kale chips, and edamame salad.  There are so many good ones! Definitely a fun way to introduce new foods into your family.


The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, MD

Many of my busy mom clients are looking to lose weight, increase energy, balance their moods, decrease cravings, increase sex drive, reduce stress and sleep better. Ladies, our hormones complicate everything! But you don’t need to let your hormones rule your life. This book is a deep dive into the science behind balancing hormones and how, in doing so, you can improve many underlying health issues.


The Plant Powered Way by Rich Roll & Julie Piatt

Rich Roll is a well known vegan, ultra-distance athlete and his wife Julie Piatt is a chef. This book is a collection of fantastic recipes that even meat-loving families will enjoy. I’m always looking for ways to get more veggies in my kiddos. This book has inspired new recipe testing in our kitchen. It’s filled with beautiful pictures and great family stories.


Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Collin Campbell, PhD

“Nutritional science, long stuck in a reductionist mindset, is at the cusp of a revolution. The traditional “gold standard” of nutrition research has been to study one chemical at a time in an attempt to determine its particular impact on the human body. These sorts of studies are helpful to food companies trying to prove there is a chemical in milk or pre-packaged dinners that is “good” for us, but they provide little insight into the complexity of what actually happens in our bodies or how those chemicals contribute to our health. Nutritional science, long stuck in a reductionist mindset, is at the cusp of a revolution. The traditional “gold standard” of nutrition research has been to study one chemical at a time in an attempt to determine its particular impact on the human body. These sorts of studies are helpful to food companies trying to prove there is a chemical in milk or pre-packaged dinners that is “good” for us, but they provide little insight into the complexity of what actually happens in our bodies or how those chemicals contribute to our health.” – Amazon

Whole is for those who enjoy a more scientific read that will make you think about the hundred of supplement emails that flood your inbox on a daily basis.


Clean Eats by Alejandro Junger, MD

A New York cardiologist’s collection of 200 delicious, relatively easy to prepare recipes to help restore internal balance.   Yes, I like a lot of the recipes, but I also like the comprehensive introduction where he shares a variety of different essays (and definitions) of clean eating, a short list of “must-haves” for cooking recipes from his book, and his story of how he has turned his kitchen into his culinary pharmacy.  Forward thinking for an MD!


The New Health Rules by Frank Lipman, MD

As a leading expert in functional medicine, Dr. Lipman focuses on the root cause of illness. This book is a quick read that contains more than 100 actionable tips that you can use to improve many aspects of your life including body, mind and spirit. This book would make the prefect gift for a friend you’d like to inspire on their journey to better health.


Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual by Micahel Pollan

One of my all time favorites that I re-read at least once a year. Simple, concise and you can get through it in an hour or two. He teaches that eating does not need to be complicated, especially in today’s mix of paleo, primal, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, atkins, raw, dairy-free, low calorie, low carbohydrate and the list goes on and on. A refreshing read that also makes a nice gift idea.


And of course I have one or two NON-health related reads that I’ve started this summer…but haven’t finished them yet. Will have to save that for another blog post. Hope this helps on your next trip to the library – not too late to get some quality summer reading in!


Spring Cleansing and its Benefits

Time for spring cleaning, but while you clean your house, you should also clean your body with a spring cleanse.  Spring is a time of renewal and growth. It’s time for your body to energize itself for the busy months to come.  It’s the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and re-spark your rejuvenation after those long winter months.

There’s no hiding that we pack on a few pounds physically and emotionally from the heaviness of winter. If we don’t change our habits and cleanse our bodies, we leave ourselves open to colds and flu, which is one way the body works to cleanse itself.  People generally become more sedentary in winter and suffer from an increase in general aches and pains – which can also be helped with a good spring cleanse.

Many cultures have historically detoxed/fasted/cleansed during the spring months while using a variety of different methods. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a spring cleanse, but it is something that everyone can benefit from.  You need to choose a program that is the best fit for YOU and your health. Your body may tell you what kind of cleanse it needs and for how long. You just need to listen to what your body is telling you.

Spring is the time nature produces many vegetables and fruits that are perfect for a natural, whole foods detox.  The spring “menu” includes berries, sprouts, greens, and bitter roots that help improve immunity and aid in toxin elimination. Your body should crave different foods to prepare for and get in sync with the new season.  We need to listen to what our bodies desire and look at what is offered in nature to reach optimal health and wellness.

There are so many benefits to cleansing your body! A spring cleanse will help get rid of the toxic waste that has accumulated in your organs and cells – preventing your cells from doing their jobs properly and optimally. As the snow melts, a clean eating cleanse can help you shed unwanted winter weight.  Other benefits may include healthier skin,  improved digestive system, INCREASED ENERGY, improved immune system, clearer thinking, improved movement and flexibility, and the general feeling of rejuvenation and motivation that will leave you feeling lighter.

Foods you should focus on during a spring cleanse include lemons, spinach, radishes, pineapple, artichokes, nettles, green tea, green peas, coriander, celery, sesame seeds, turmeric, cabbage, dandelion root, citrus fruits, berries, asparagus, and garlic.  It’s best if they are in their organic raw natural form.  Other ways to enhance a spring cleanse experience is by taking probiotics, antioxidants, massage therapy, saunas, epsom salt baths and exercise (yes, you can sweat out those toxins!).

During a seasonal cleanse, try to:

  • Hydrate!  Drink lots of water especially if you are more active.
  • Practice clean eating
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugar
  • Exercise
  • Meditate

If you have never cleansed before, you may need support from a health coach like myself.  It’s very important to plan your cleanse to benefit YOU. The pre-planning, actual cleanse days and post-cleanse (aka transition time) are all important pieces of your cleansing experience.  I can walk you through a whole foods based program while inspiring you to continue your healthier lifestyle after your cleanse experience.

Spring Cleanse & Metabolic Reset – available April 13th!  

BHBH Spring 2015 Clean Eating

Heather Ferber is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and detox specialist helping busy moms to get fresh, focused and energized so they can enjoy better health, balanced hormones, healthier kids and more calm in the kitchen. She has appeared on WISN Channel 12’s morning news to share her kitchen tips, tricks and recipes. Like her on Facebook or visit her online home at

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